Quote Originally Posted by Zgelsky View Post
Here is our criteria, we like to fund the bigger higher risk files. 50k-2 Million. Pawn shops we do not fund. Trucking and construction revenue we need minimum 200k per month to fund. Auto sales we need 750k minimum per month. Every other industry is fine (Restaurants, retail, medical...etc) I will make sure to beat out our competition on many of those files. If we can get to 200k this month I’ll make sure to get you some AirPods and a water filter!

See attached basic UW Guidelines. The deals were funding are usually in the 2nd - 8th position 40 - 150 days. We are a newer company,and we are eager to win deals. We routinely go out an additional week or 2, an additional 10-20 K to whatever offer the broker has from our competitors in order to win deals. If you let us know what's needed on a deal we will have quick answer yes or no & eliminate all the back and forth.

Our commission structure is built in at
1.499 - 12 points
1.459 - 10 points
1.399 - 7 points

We pay full commission on all renewals.

We incentivize isos with bonus structures for closing high volume. Airpods on first 200 K closed. Random lunches for the office. 10 K bonuses on 500 K funded. We work to make it a good enjoyable relationship for the ISO. We will rely on the ISO rep to know what each ISO needs and we will work the relationship accordingly.
The main key is building the relationship.Everybody has their thing they try to sell as their niche but the main idea is relationships. What we bring to the table as funders is as follows.

a) Honesty (ask around see if you hear ANY complaints)
b) Fast turnaround time. We prioritize quick responses. Yes or No.
c) Aggressive approvals on auto repair companies, healthcare, retail, & anything with strong AR
d) We promote ISO on the merchant interview
e) We protect our ISOs deals
f) Unique deals. We funded a deal that requested a break in payments from us. We gave him the break, funded him a 500 K deal against a big incoming receivable he had, and only debited him $500 a day until the money came in. We made our ISO an additional 60 K on a deal where his merchant called to lower payments. Our money is all private as opposed to institutional such as hedge fund money. This allows us to fund whatever makes sense as opposed to other companies that have to fit into the box that their hedge fund company draws up for them.

Send all files to zack@slateadvance.com and CC subs@slateadvance.com

Zack Gelsky,
ISO Relations
Slate Advance, LLC
you may be a blessing from the heavens!!!!!

i actually have a deal to fund it for 200k and what really makes it sweet is i was about to buy airpods from best buy today and saw this post!!!!!

this post was heaven sent!!!!!