Quote Originally Posted by Zgelsky View Post
I made sure to write just AirPods, not the AirPod pros.
Mr Slate, I am sorry to say I won’t be able to work with you after you revealed openly (and quite clearly) your policies in regarding Airpods. Let me break down my concerns-

1. The fact that there’s no clawbacks on the airpods (despite the fact that you obviously do clawback commissions on bad deals) reveals a sneaky and deceptive aggression, which honestly makes me nervous to deal with you guys. To me you’re basically saying “hey send me back the $20k commissions but keep the Airpods we don’t need them back, it’s all for you”.. well, if you rip me out of $20k you should keep your darn airpods as well! Don’t make me feel all good that at least I got Airpods. That **** and attitude will not fly.

2. The fact that you can’t give the new Airpods is already showing a cheap side of you. Don’t be cheap. I’m not dealing with a cheap funder.

3. I don’t buy it that you randomly thought about these details. This thing is well planned and I just don’t feel comfortable. I feel like this is a plan, I can’t even bring out what’s bothering me, but I just feel like there’s something more here. (Remember, they’re the “old airpods” and he wants us to “keep them”... wtf is up here? Anyone?...)