Quote Originally Posted by microboby View Post
Got to say that after being in the Industry for 7 Years and funded prob hundreds if not around a thousand files , MM Funding Group has a very good approach . Its not a big shop where UW is automated and files get killed because they don't fit the box . This Lender will UW , review , Verify and Fund to what makes sense type of UW .

Some files are just too hard and risky but Lender will Look at them and resolve right away , From Start to finish same day no BS and no broken promises like most Large Lenders do .

It's a good Ace to have for those very difficult deals , Plus they can do from Small deals to 6 figures with same speed . To make things clear too the commission is disbursed in about a week after funding because some of these files carry an enormous risk and Lender wants to make sure that merchant makes a few payments

Totally understandable on this C / D niche

Happy Funding Guys !!
Whats their website?