Quote Originally Posted by RickyR3712 View Post
Again i agree this is what i call a gray area.I understand it is a funder choice and they are not being forced into it,but not one funder has yet to answer me thru emails or on here that they are ok or not ok with it.All responses were mainly stay away in till i hear back.

love how you are sticking up from them even though last time you did they cut you off.
Honest mistake on their part, they apologized in public. Accepting responsibility means a lot to me.
Anyway, I'm not sticking up for them. I'm a debater by nature, so I enjoy poking holes in arguments that I feel aren't sound.
But yeah, I think WCF is right, we really all want to hear how lenders are treating it, that will make all of the difference here.
However, we might have some difficulty - how many funders are going to respond? Would they risk their RTR down 10% regularly?