What does it sound like?

“I don’t need anything right now, call in me in 2 weeks.”

Where does it typically tend to show up?

Prospecting Call: making contact with a lead for the first time.

What do we do with it?

Turn around. Key Objective: to turn around the objection, engage the lead further, and continue to guide the lead through the sales process to ultimately close and fund!

How do we turn it around?

“Yes, definitely. If I may ask, what's in 2 weeks?”

Why do we say it?

This is a common objection merchants will hurl at Funding Pros to brush them off the phone, but it’s also typically a buy signal that can tell us a lot about this merchant and their behavior.

If we were to agree to call in 2 weeks, even set up a date and time, we’d see ourselves right out of this potential deal.

We must agree and immediately stick our foot in the door jamb and continue to qualify if we want to serve the merchant and win the business.

The merchant has already expressed interest by inviting you to reach back out to them at a time in the near-future because they perceive they don’t have a need right now, but supposedly they could have one in 2 weeks.

So let’s vet out what they anticipate they're need will be now!

What’s in 2 weeks?

Are they starting a new project?

Will they be free to talk about opportunities they’re looking to fund, and they’re just tied up now?

Or are they just anticipating that there may be a cash flow shortfall?

Maybe the merchant is just using this tactic to get you off the phone…

You won’t know till you professional press further.

The typical pattern with merchants who say this is that the objection is reflective of how they manage their business in general.

Often it indicates the the merchant is not the most adept at cash flow management and is merely reacting to whatever is showing up in the operating account on a day to day basis. Only after some reaction to what they see in their account, will they be open to talking about funding.

But chances are, if they are this reactive about the business’ cash flow, they will be just as reactive on choosing a funding partner.

Slim chance of them calling you back or making the meeting you would have set with them in 2 weeks. When they feel the need in the moment, the very next person to call will often be the lucky lottery winner.

Help the merchant be more proactive as their Trusted Advisor.

Get them talking about what their needs will be in 2 weeks, what their needs have been in the past, and get them planning for this event with you now instead of then.


Always Be Building Pipeline!


