Snap, you held 5k of her cash adv for processing fees..five grand...and this merchant doesn't miss anything...i heard about this 20 times from this customer after and the customer was livid. Someone in your company gave me the list of all the processors and didnt tell me about a notification and u were notified right after she did it. instead of being nice and such and explaining it to me, i was told by some underwriter how because of a one day lapse this merchant can be hit with or should be hit with breach of contract/on top of that snap told this merchant not to listen to me as i was clueless...nice thing to say as i brought you the deal. Not to worry, i won't be bringing you any deals any further. By the way Snap, merchant is having difficulties with payments and called your company, the return call was never given to them. So kinda like the communication isn't best on my end the favor was returned. Who I am doesn't matter as I didn't ask for your opinion or anything.