Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Henry-Seacoast View Post
-Know your Customer....Know your sources of capital.....Know your referral sources.... It will keep you out of trouble and not waste time.
-If you get a random phone call from someone you don't know about a "great deal" always ask yourself.... "why am I so lucky to be getting this call. Beware of GEEKS bearing GIFTS....it never works.
-If you can't connect the dots with in 15 minutes run..... Who are they? How do they make money? What is the business?
-If you ask someone a very simple and straight forward question and they ramble for 20 minutes without really giving you an answer.....chances are you should not even do business with this person.
-Know when someone is treating you like a vendor instead of a partner. When someone treats you like a partner, you win a client. When treated like a vendor, you will be lucky to close a deal, it will likely be a rocky relationship, and they WILL seek another VENDOR in short order.
-Don't concentrate on closing deals.....win customers!

Generally agree with this except the:

Know your Customer....Know your sources of capital.....Know your referral sources.... It will keep you out of trouble and not waste time.

Realistically if you try and do this, you'll be out of here in 5 minutes.