-Know your Customer....Know your sources of capital.....Know your referral sources.... It will keep you out of trouble and not waste time.
-If you get a random phone call from someone you don't know about a "great deal" always ask yourself.... "why am I so lucky to be getting this call. Beware of GEEKS bearing GIFTS....it never works.
-If you can't connect the dots with in 15 minutes run..... Who are they? How do they make money? What is the business?
-If you ask someone a very simple and straight forward question and they ramble for 20 minutes without really giving you an answer.....chances are you should not even do business with this person.
-Know when someone is treating you like a vendor instead of a partner. When someone treats you like a partner, you win a client. When treated like a vendor, you will be lucky to close a deal, it will likely be a rocky relationship, and they WILL seek another VENDOR in short order.
-Don't concentrate on closing deals.....win customers!