Quote Originally Posted by Jack23 View Post
Mr. Feinberg,

Appreciate the link, however I was looking for pearls of wisdom?

Debanked is nice, but it’s a bit basic.
That was more geared towards nunya lol however I will give you some.

1. Focus on cashflow right now. Forget the great pdf's you think will be great marketing, forget looking for the easier way out. Your main goal and should be your main goal for the next few months is fund deals. Get that bank account build up.

2. After the account is built up, build a great CRM that can automate emails, texts, and anything else that can be automated.

3. Focus some of your time in the Equipment Finance & Leasing space. Same commissions, a lot less competition.

4. www.equipmentbrokerschool.com will teach you everything A to Z and you can use a lot of it for the working capital space as well!

DISCLAIMER: EQUIPMENTBROKERSCHOOL.com is my very successful equipment financing training platform. It is mine, and my business partner Will Murphy. It is ours, don't get mistaken it isn't someone elses.