Quote Originally Posted by treymarkel View Post
Here at Centrex Software we take data and customer privacy very very seriously. I have mentioned the points below every time I speak at a Debanked Conference, every time I personally pitch our software to potential clients, and when necessary, on this forum.

Unlike other business finance ONLY CRM platforms, we serve the B2C finance sector and the B2B finance sector. Because of our deep involvement in B2C finance, we go through heavy government audits on multiple levels a few times per year. Some of these audits require us for example to hold data insurance where we pay steep monthly premiums. Other requirements of these audits are that we background check and finger print every single employee that touches the software or a clients software. We also take measures within the software in our system logs to track every single move a user makes each and every day.

It is an under statement to say, because we are forced to, we put far more emphasis on security than any other B2B finance ONLY CRM platform out there. Are those other platforms safe as well, I am sure they are and I am sure they offer good tech, but unless they are deep into B2C finance like we are, the are NOT forced to go through what we go through as far as government audits. B2B finance as of now is unregulated in our country where B2C finance is highly regulated. We are on the "Highly Regulated" side when it comes to tech and user and client security.

In the 10 years I have been working with the company I can count on one hand clients that have accused us of stealing data. Every single time our team jumps on it and we discover there was an internal employee that worked for our client stealing data, or the funder our client was sending deals to, was back dooring their deals. I can think of one case actually where that happened in 2018 where the book dooring party was actually sending apps with our clients logo on it to the same funder. Hahaa WOW!!!

I hope this helps. We have been in business over 10 yeas and we are growing rapidly in all the sectors that we serve. I don't think we would be experiencing such growth if we failed our audits and stole client data. If anyone has any questions or would like to learn more about our company or security standards, you can call me directly at (888) 622-5810 ex 101

Cheers, Trey
We've been on centrex, no complaints. Quick responses/support. Generally good experience. Some things can be added to the software. Haven't had any instances of stealing data, and not quite sure what that even means. I doubt it but would love to see if anyone has proof?