Anyone interested in developing a solid package with me for Canada? There is a massive void waiting to be filled by the right funder and entering the Canadian marketplace isn't something that's for everyone. Several have tried, but most have failed because they haven’t accepted the advice. It just isn't the 51st State.

Since 2008, we've been extremely successful in the Canadian market place from a processing side and somewhat with the MCA's. As many of you know, I was formerly the Sr. VP at OnePay and we were making a push for all of our ISO's to at least try Canada back around 2011. So we partnered with BFS, Principis, and a few others to help launch a campaign to offer advances through our ISO network in the Canadian marketplace. Most ISO's and a few funders struggled with it due to the lack of consideration for the differences between the U.S. and Canada. After I left OnePay, I continued to work both sides of the boarder and have some great relationships who are acquiring hundreds of clients per month.

Currently, I have many Canadian relationships that include two of the fastest growing processing ISO's in Canada who have begun selling MCA's in Canada and have been averaging just shy of $2mill per month in funding. We also have support of parties that can make life really easy if the time is taken to understand and appreciate the caveats of the landscape.

One downside with many of the funders for Canada is that they never adopted the culture and systems to really provide a solid package to offer in Canada. On the other hand, those funders that truly understand the Canadian market just do not have an outstanding compensation package that really motivates an ISO or they just do not have an ISO channel at all.

So if any funders are interested in speaking about a strategic partnership, contact me asap.

