Reminds me of the mortgage issues of the early 2000's, the internet bubble of the 90's, Wall St. Junk in the 80's...
In the end - the companies that will remain and gain strength are the companies that are fiscally responsible without looking for "Short-cuts" as a way to acquire "Short-term" business and income.

Also reminds me of the steroid era in baseball - records were smashed, record setting contracts and attendance - but where is Sammy, Mark and Barry these days? They all made money during the pumped up period - but I can bet you that the majority of these players all had the mentality of the junkies, webbies and home busters - they thought the money would keep on rolling in, they would be unstoppable and they would ride the wave forever.

We are in it for the longhaul - together with our partners (ISO's) we intend to be here for a long time.