Indiana Maintenance Company 2.4M a year 3 years in business

He's got 4 positions right now, he can't mess with the 1st but wants to consolidate 2nd-4th and get cash if possible.

Nov-Dec are typically his slowest times so his last month statement was for 115K

Also he had 7 nsfs last month, prior to that he averaged 1-3 nsfs or less
Credit is 500tu 523 exp 563 equifax credit is low at the beginning of the month because he runs his personal cards up for the biz

1st is about 4 months left for total of 67K

2nd -4th total 70K about 3 months on each one left. Total amount of loans with payoff is 144K

Ultimately he wants to clean it all up and be able to get to a place where he can qualify for better terms and more money.

Who will do this loan or consider it, and not a 5th position or consolidation.
