Sales Rockstars Use Scripts while Scrubs get Mopped Up
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  1. #1
    Senior Member Reputation points: 20323
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    Oct 2013

    Sales Rockstars Use Scripts while Scrubs get Mopped Up

    Benefits of a Script when You're a:

    Seasoned Veteran -

    Acts as an outline with, all your best responses/rebuttals present at all times.

    Even super stars have bad days, or bad mornings, where they're not as inspired or motivated. Saying the right message to the right person, and giving the right answer, can still overcome a lack of emotion or exuberance.

    The script from a top-level producer is a war torn battle tested group of words and phrases that get their prospects to take the exact desired actions they want, when they want, that can be reproduced over and over and over.

    Newbie -

    Operating without a script is suicide.

    You have 5 seconds when you open a conversation with a stranger, 7 seconds tops.

    Every human being has prejudices, defensive mechanisms, walls, etc., and when you
    say the wrong words, use the wrong tone, ask the wrong question, or show the business owner you're about to waste their time, you get lumped into the other 97% of unwanted time wasting calls he's experienced, and you're gone.

    A stranger won't talk to you unless you're immediately showing some type of value in terms of solving a problem or providing a desire or helping them reach a goal. How do you convey that to a random stranger in 7 seconds with knowing what to say and having practiced it so it comes out smooth and confidently?

    The script tells you if this is working for you or not, and what needs to be changed, tweaked, altered.

    Owners don't want to have conversations with strangers unless it involves you handing them money while you're talking, or you can demonstrate how it will lead to that eventually.

    Experienced -

    Helps you grow, improve, and identify what works and doesn't for you

    The worst that can happen is when someone has a little experience and decides they don't need to follow a script or process or best practices because they've had some previous success and know everything. These people waste the most resources by far, because they're the fastest to blame their environment, their resources, their data, their management, everything except themselves, because they know everything.

    An experienced but underachieving rep can even be worse than a newbie, because usually you're investing resources into that experienced agent expecting to see results, when in reality their previous performance was based more on luck and timing, then any real aptitude, and when they start dealing with merchants on the fence for a decision or competing against brokers, they repeatedly fall short, and never understand why.

 - High Level Performers Required.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Franklin View Post
    Benefits of a Script when You're a:

    Seasoned Veteran -

    Acts as an outline with, all your best responses/rebuttals present at all times.

    Even super stars have bad days, or bad mornings, where they're not as inspired or motivated. Saying the right message to the right person, and giving the right answer, can still overcome a lack of emotion or exuberance.

    The script from a top-level producer is a war torn battle tested group of words and phrases that get their prospects to take the exact desired actions they want, when they want, that can be reproduced over and over and over.

    Newbie -

    Operating without a script is suicide.

    You have 5 seconds when you open a conversation with a stranger, 7 seconds tops.

    Every human being has prejudices, defensive mechanisms, walls, etc., and when you
    say the wrong words, use the wrong tone, ask the wrong question, or show the business owner you're about to waste their time, you get lumped into the other 97% of unwanted time wasting calls he's experienced, and you're gone.

    A stranger won't talk to you unless you're immediately showing some type of value in terms of solving a problem or providing a desire or helping them reach a goal. How do you convey that to a random stranger in 7 seconds with knowing what to say and having practiced it so it comes out smooth and confidently?

    The script tells you if this is working for you or not, and what needs to be changed, tweaked, altered.

    Owners don't want to have conversations with strangers unless it involves you handing them money while you're talking, or you can demonstrate how it will lead to that eventually.

    Experienced -

    Helps you grow, improve, and identify what works and doesn't for you

    The worst that can happen is when someone has a little experience and decides they don't need to follow a script or process or best practices because they've had some previous success and know everything. These people waste the most resources by far, because they're the fastest to blame their environment, their resources, their data, their management, everything except themselves, because they know everything.

    An experienced but underachieving rep can even be worse than a newbie, because usually you're investing resources into that experienced agent expecting to see results, when in reality their previous performance was based more on luck and timing, then any real aptitude, and when they start dealing with merchants on the fence for a decision or competing against brokers, they repeatedly fall short, and never understand why.

 - High Level Performers Required.

    Great points!


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