Hi all,

I've switched gears for my company and am focused exclusively on freight and transportation. This leaves me with my entire data set of the last 2 years' worth of leads just sitting there wasting away.

I have to compile the data, but its got to be well over 200,000 records (maybe even as high as 300k). I'd say 5% (tops) were UCC and all the rest were leads purchased and/or generated in house. Have a few other types as well (will discuss privately).

Before I spend a weekend putting it all together I wanted to see if there was any interest. Obviously those of you with reps or call centers would value this the most (although I suggest doing a quick once over and scrape the data for DNCs)

Not making any promises but there's certainly deals in there to be found. I would only sell this to one buyer, and preferably the whole lot. Those of you that know me know I am a straight shooter.

If any of you are interested let me know. PM works best.
