What is BANT?

BANT is an acronym and a qualification framework that has been used for ages to determine whether a prospect is truly likely to become a successful customer. It can be used as a rubric or checklist for how to guide a call and make sure you’re investing your time wisely with prospects.

BANT was originally conceived by IBM as a way to identify a sales opportunity, and has been a qualification workhorse across most business sectors ever since: according to IBM, “sales opportunities are identified by speaking to prospects or clients to determine their business and solution needs through a standardized approach called BANT.”

BANT stands for:

Budget– What is the prospect’s budget?

Authority– Does the prospect have the decision-making authority/or are they an influencer?

Need– What is the prospect’s business need?

Timeframe– In what timeframe will the prospect be implementing a solution?

Here are examples of BANT questions that have routinely been used:


-Do you have a budget set aside for this purchase?

-Is this an important enough priority to allocate funds toward?


-Whose budget does this purchase come out of?

-How have you made purchasing decisions for products similar to ours in the past?


-What challenges are you struggling with?

-What do you think could solve this problem?


-How quickly do you need to solve your problem?

-Do you have the capacity to implement this product now?

For Funding Pros, BANT stands for:

Budget– What is the prospect’s capital pricing decision criteria? (How are they evaluating whether they can afford your solution or not?)

Authority– Does the prospect have the decision-making authority/or are they an influencer?

Need– What is the prospect’s business need/project/goal/Business Outcome?

Timeframe– In what timeframe will the prospect be looking to fund?

Here are examples of BANT questions for Funding Pros:


-Have you done any business funding in the past?

-What other financing for the business have you done?


-Are you the sole owner responsible for all key decisions?

-How have you made key decisions for programs similar to ours in the past?


-What projects are you working on now?

-What do you need to achieve your outcome?


-What date are you looking to fund by?

-Do you have the capacity to fund this project now?

For Funding Pros, BANT can be an effective qualification framework to efficiently drive calls and maximize our most precious resource: time. But it isn't the only tool available to us...

Happy Halloween to all!


