Did you know that accounts receivable represent 30-40% of most companies' assets? Ensuring that you get paid in a timely manner for goods and services you provide to your buyers is critical to your cash flow, and your overall business success.

At PFG, we help companies like yours more effectively manage their accounts receivable to both protect and grow their businesses. Our information, ongoing analysis, and monitoring of your buyers helps prevent credit losses. We can also help you collect what you are owed. In the event your client is unable to pay you back, we will indemnify you in a timely manner so that you have the cash flow you need to keep your business running smoothly.

Want to protect yourself from slow-paying buyers who can disrupt your cash flow? We can help.

Want to extend more credit to buyers? We can help.

Want access to global information to help you make the best business decisions? We can help.

Marvin K. Fauntroy
