Quote Originally Posted by ryan $ View Post
The Text was Bold just to differentiate.

CAPS, is emphasizing words. Case and Point, EVERY SINGLE LENDINI APPROVAL comes with RED, BOLD, ALL CAPS segments to illustrate the importance of said segment over others.

You sir, by saying this is EVERYTHING i Disagree with, arguably harassment? So Lendini does so on every offer email? I get ALL CAPS Emails all the time. AND You are the ONE person in AGREEMENT, everyone else says No i was not unprofessional. Some people are just weird.

I didn't say you were unprofessional, I said speaking that way didn't help you reach the end goal, which you did reach by the way, but you broached the topic and asked for feedback, which I gave. And as your stated observation that I am the one person who didn't respond the way you expected, it seems you're the one being a little touchy. Were you looking for honest and open responses, or simply justification of your actions and a nice gentle PC answer? Even though you won already because the deal funded.

And yes I am very weird.
