At times I can be super aggressive. I'm talking SUPER AGGRESSIVE. However, I don't believe this was one of those times. I have removed company info but everything else is an Un-Edited email chain.


I have received the completed agreements and refreshed the merchant’s Decision Logic. While reviewing the Decision Logic there were a few issues noted. Currently, the merchant has only grossed 5.2k for October placing them on track to gross 7.9k for the month. This is much lower than the 15k we had them averaging in previous months. We will need the merchant to explain the significant decline in revenue for the funding department to review. It was also noted the merchant’s current available balance is $67.36. Per our policy, the merchant’s available balance must be at least two times the daily debit in order to move to the funding department. In this case, the merchant’s balance will need to be at least $160.

You couldn't be more wrong.

He is ACTUALLY on an UPTICK in Business. 30k in A/R Coming before Month's End.

4k In Checks he deposited already that will be clearing tomorrow.

AND He is Transferring some money in RIGHT NOW to make account positive enough to fund.

Thank you for the explanation. We will need to see the new deposits in the account prior to moving forward. The merchant’s gross revenue, not including transfers, will need to be on par with previous months at the time of funding. As the deposits will clear tomorrow we will refresh the Decision Logic to ensure the revenue as resumed to the revenue during initial underwriting. The merchant will need to have grossed a minimum of 10.9k by tomorrow to be considered on par to the previous month. Please note that transfers are not included in our gross revenue totals.

Deposits hit - He has a 4k Balance now

Can you check - and FUND THIS!

Thank you. The merchant’s gross revenue for the MTD is still below the previous months provided however the funding department is willing to proceed. The file is now under final review and I will provide an update when one is received.

We do still need an e-mail on file for JANE SMITH; I did not receive one when the file was forwarded from JOHN.

Email #1:

Email #2:
954###-#### - BUSINESS (1st Owner Cell)
954-###-#### - 2nd Owner Cell

Email is is 2nd Owner Email

I just went over the file and I do not see the email addresses on our backend for JANE SMITH. I will touch base with JOHN SMITH about updating information, as it is received in the future. In the meantime, please provide the email addresses needed for us to proceed with reviewing this file for funding. The sooner we receive the information, the sooner we can send the welcome call link to this merchant. Thank you for your understanding in this situation Ryan.

I literally JUST sent them again ANyway - SEE BELOW:
954-########## - BUSINESS (1st Owner Cell)
954-#########- 2nd Owner Cell

Email is is 2nd Owner Email

The merchant has passed the funding review and we are ready for the welcome call. We have set up a new system now that allows merchants to schedule the welcome call. Below is the link to do this, please have merchant complete and we will call at the designated appointment time. Keep in mind the time slots are for EST.

What is the Update here? As far as I know the "Welcome Call" was done at 4pm this your version of a Funding Call? Not sure on your process..............

Did this fund yesterday? Is it funding today?

The welcome call was conducted at 3:57 pm yesterday, which put the file in line to fund this morning. I am showing that the file funded on our end so our accounting department should be sending out a funding email to the appropriate contact shortly.


Because of this exchange, our Owner was emailed, and they said I was being Unprofessional.

What Exactly is Unprofessional here?

I'm just looking for Feedback here. Who considers this unprofessional #1. #2, Enough so to Terminate an ISO Agreement? I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. I know we are in "Trigger Warning" Victimhood 2019 America, however, WTF is this?