What does it sound like?

“Can I call you back?”

Where does it typically tend to show up?

Prospecting Call: making contact with a lead for the first time.

What do we do with it?

Turn around. Key Objective: to turn around the objection, engage the lead further, and continue to guide the lead through the sales process to ultimately close and fund!

How do we turn it around?

"Yes, of course. Have you been seriously considering getting a quote for business funding this month?"

Why do we say it?

This is another veiled objection that merchants use to effectively brush off many reps, much like “Can you just send me some information?”

It is a non-confrontational way for the merchant to tell you something they think you want to hear, lead you on, and then cut loose.

It may very well be that the merchant cannot talk at the moment, and this is his way of telling you “I’m too busy.” He may be interested, maybe not. As a Funding Pro, you don't have time for games.

You really want to avoid having the merchant take on the responsibility of re-engaging communication with you. The call-back rates are historically low, even if they sincerely mean to call you back. They get caught up, or maybe they don’t call you back because they don’t yet value you as a Funding Pro, their Trusted Advisor.

Renowned psychologist, Dr. Hermann Ebbinghaus, found in his memory research studies that within 24 hours most people forget 75% of what you’ve told them. Within 30 days, they forget 90% of what you’ve told them, and of the remaining 10% they recall, half is inaccurate.

Ouch. Do you really want to trust them to call you back?

It’s easy here to take their word at face value and figure out when would be the best time for the merchant to call you back or for you to follow up, BUT you already have the merchant on the phone, right now – capitalize on it.

Let them know they can of course call you back, but sidestep the request and continue to pre-qualify.

"Have you been seriously considering getting a quote for business funding this month?"

If yes, continue to prequalify until you prompt a buy signal form an application.

Merchant answers "no" to the question, you continue to prequalify, collect best contact information and set future check-in with them if they are a quality prospect.

If they truly can't talk now and need to get off the phone, set a better time and professionally PERSIST.


Always Be Building Pipeline!


