Quote Originally Posted by NoBigDeal View Post
1) Will you allow a merchant to stack your deal?
2) Do you pay on the funded amount or only on the net cash disbursements for refi's/reverse's?
3) If a merchant has an SOJ would you classify as a default? Cuz it was really the original funders fault for filing in the first place!
4) Are your funding calls before or after merchant sends in a signed contract?

Please send me an executed ISO agreement (signed by your CEO, I won't review it without one) to cashingout@keepmybusinessafloat.org
1) yes, we actual stack it ourselves with our many DBA that we have available, we usually stack up to 4 times per bank account (we will unfortunately not fund 5 times the same account)
2) net amount after fees
3) yes
4) our funding calls are spread out, we do around 5 funding calls per deal