Quote Originally Posted by joemainst View Post
I keep asking around on who this is, But No one seems to know. All he uses the DF is to make FALSE ACCUSATIONS and UNPRODUCTIVE BS Remarks. You are FAKE NEWS!! CNN and MSNBC are Hiring. If anyone knows The ASS CLOWN behind these REMARKS, Please PM ME as I will continue to Gather INTEL
I am not making any statements about you. I am just trying to figure out why a funder is asking to sign up with other funders and then says he has no restrictions and can fund anything. It makes no sense and we would like some transparency.

There are funders that send out deals, I have nothing against that as long as you are transparent and tell everyone that when you submit a deal to you its most likely getting shopped out!

whats not tru about that ? your mad that you were hoping noone noticed?