I find it silly to charge for services less than your cost, run a big loss, and then call everyone else predatory. I know the guys at Fundera have good intentions but I disagree with the strategy. There are a few companies adopting this counterproductive model:

Lose money while lashing out at everyone else that is sustainable or profitable.

Even worse, they plead with regulators to attack their competitors, half hoping that one day the government will wipe away their competitors to pave the way for them. That's not how that scenario would play out.

If your business model's success depends on poking the government with a stick to kill your competition, then perhaps you should go back to the drawing board. My comments aren't pointed at Fundera directly but since there seems to be a theme lately of startups using news media blog sites to disparage competitors that have working models and are succeeding, I feel it's necessary to say that they are just hurting themselves in the long run.