Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
Cute - stackcity sounds like Lewendowsky did at Congress. Blaming lawyers for being too good while they're showing flaws in the argument, and making it personal. Before you came, I've done that on the forum a bunch, I don't like it when unsubstantiated rumors turn into facts. Poke holes in claims that aren't backed up by facts. Keeps honest people honest.

Admittedly, when I stick up for truth, it gives me a good name, so funders (and other brokers I've worked with here) will have good reasons to want to keep working with me.

Speaking of which.... Nick @ IOU is fantastic!! Hope everyone is signed up with them. They got really creative on a file which I really wasn't expecting from a funder who is a bit more institutional in nature and name!
sorry for the delay, working deals. seems you are trying to convince the wrong person. minus today, 7 days left for the month for funding. i have said my peace, bad tactics, if what the iso states is valid. Hope you get a nice dinner voucher from PMF