Quote Originally Posted by ryan $ View Post
I think East Shore is out on their own and Separate Now.

LCF Also Brokers out to EBF.

Many Funders broker out deals that are not in their wheelhouse.
yea many funders may do that, and many are known for backdooring. Also those funders tell you what they do and don't do.

I mean JoeBroker AKA JoeMainst is on here saying he has no restrictions and does all deals. But then he asks for ISO agreements for things he cant do. Then he tries to say for reverses but hes asking Mantis for an ISO agreement, Mantis doesn't do reverses.

The guy is a BS artist, he thinks hes slick on here like we cant see his posting history. This guy is either a major broker, and no longer funding (if he ever did) or a major backdoor.

And he wont take the time to give a real explanation, he just gets mad when its mentioned.