Quote Originally Posted by swiftcloser View Post
That would work, but holy **** the amount of work and technical understanding to do a copy of a major bank website would be insane. It would take a long time and a lot of planning. Its not going to be 500 bucks on Fivrr, maybe for 3 page mom and pop bank, lol. I can't imagine a merchant doing all of that for a few loans, but you never know man...
It actually wouldn't be that hard. Because remember you only have to code ONE LOGIN and recreate COPYING the Website would Accomplish the Main Page, then just rework the backend to display the "statements" you want it to.

Just Copying and Editing code, not that hard.

*** Yes I had a misspent childhood at the age of 14 Yrs old on AOL getting into all sorts of Bulk Email/ Spam Emailing AOL.... I actually cleaned up.... Made a **** ton of money before my 18th Birthday. But it required Copying AOL's Website to get Username and Passwords to send the Bulk Email from at One Point (Statute of Limitations is well passed by now - so anyone can talk all the **** they want), by spamming out Links to a Website made to look like AOL's Billing Page. Granted a Bank is More difficult, but we are talking a VISUAL MATCH, and one function, accept your password and show these Fake Statements.

It isn't that Hard. If I was a Criminal, the payout would be worth the work.