Quote Originally Posted by CraaaCraaa Radio View Post
as we all can see he has received no response to the person he is attacking. may be because he is closing deals unlike you with many different funders. the same funders you complain about i also fund nice chunky fat deals. instead of working on relationships with funders, guys like you come on here to bash. what do you yield from it? all you do is just talk trash about funders and the history of the posts you write have no substance. you have a lot of anger and it shows. you speak of a 12 year old but the way you write posts and the context is of a 12 year old or less. it seems you may not be making a lot of commission monthly. you may be falling short because you are not a closer? I am sure you may be lacking in other departments as well. start funding more deals monthly and stop being such a hater, because it is obvious you don't have the sauce to see six figures in this industry. I encourage everyone to look at pcfunder history of posts. he brings nothing to the table but drama, bashing funders, and adding gas to any little flame. pcfunder= drama king on df, the new Karen

instead of focusing on work he is on dailyfunder at 200pm bashing funders and members. guy has writing skills of a 6 year old. I'm sure you write emails to merchants the same way!!!

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yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ya got me