Quote Originally Posted by jfeinberg View Post
We had an issue with them. Nothing came of it besides this one letter.

Ever Lasting Capital
27 B Sterling Dr.
Rochester, NH 03867

Re: Violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act

To Whom It May Concern:
My Client, Terry Fabricant (Client), wishes to bring to your attention a telemarketing
concern. In August of 2018, my Client received multiple unsolicited telemarketing calls to
their wireless line **********, from your company, or some company on your behalf, from
number **********. My Client did not provide their consent to your company to make
these telemarketing calls. It is my understanding that according to the Telephone Consumer
Protection Act, it is illegal to make marketing calls to any wireless line using an ATDS or
Pre-Recorded message without first obtaining the express written consent of the recipient or
business. Furthermore, the numbers in question is also on the National DNC Registry, thus
constituting a DNC violation as well.

Please forward to my attention all documents that evidence any purported consent to
receive telemarketing calls from your company, as well as any other documents that support
your position there is no claim against your company, if that is your contention. Before my
Client proceeds with a formal claim, they wish to give your company the opportunity to
explain their actions. Please forward this information to my attention by September 4, 2018. If
we do not hear from you at that time, my Client will consider all legal remedies available,
including but not limited to, filing a claim in Federal Court. By sending this letter, you as well
as any third parties that you worked with related to the telephone campaign at issue, are hereby
notified of your obligation to preserve all electronic and non-electronic files regarding this
claim. This includes, but is not limited to, all e-mail communications and records reflecting
telephone calls.
Heidarpour Law Firm, PLLC

Andrew W. Heidarpour, Esq
I got the same letter as well. Did you just ignore it and never respond to him?