I got an email saying the opposite as well. I guess depending on how you have performed they made changes

We have some exciting news to share: we’re making substantial changes to our Partner Program!

As part of these changes, you may be eligible for:
• More commitment from the Fundbox team
• Higher credit lines and better rates for your merchants
• Higher commissions and even larger bonuses
Why are we doing this?

Over the last couple years, we’ve onboarded a lot of new brokers. Many—including you—have become some of our best. As we grow as a company, we’ve decided to let go of many of our inactive or inconsistent brokers so we can focus on our top partners like you. This way we can make sure we provide the best service we can to both you and your merchants.

We can’t wait to get started in this new direction and see what you’ll accomplish next. Please reach out to your partner manager to get the full scoop and ask any questions.