Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
This is what I got:

We recently made the difficult decision to trim down our broker program and focus on a limited number of partners going forward. As we grow as a company, we want to continue to invest in this program, but we’re a lean team and just do not have the capacity to provide great service to all of our current brokers.

We’ve seen some positive results since you joined the program, so we want to keep working with you. However, as we’re capping the number of brokers we’re working with, there are a few milestones we’d like you to hit going forward, in order to stay competitive with the rest of our partners:

Get 2 new approved files by August 30, 2019
Get 5 new approved files for a total of 7 new approved files by October 30, 2019
If you’re not able to hit these thresholds, we’ll need to stop working with you. Please reach out to your partner manager if you have questions. We’re looking forward to accomplishing great things together.

This is after they changed their credit box a few times, and anyone that's stacked even a little bit will probably get rejected.
I got a letter that says the complete opposite. I have no problem with them cutting off brokers especially if bonus and commissions are going up because of it.