Quote Originally Posted by patrickw View Post
Well to be very honest. Whatever deal comes in it always goes to Ondeck first ONLY ONDECK! If it's decline from ondeck then I send it to other funders. Could be my rep issue and not sure if it;s only EBF but so far what I checked so far it's EBF I do work with call centers!
ahhhh, there you go!!! Call centers sell leads, if they know the disposition of the file that lead became more valuable to them.

Youre best bet is to compartmentalize the lead system.....NEVER use call centers system, insist on using your dialers / software. When I ran a call center it was always my dialer and data, the agents never saw more than they needed to and when it became a doc-in that lead disappeared from their sight never to know what happened other than you paid them for a lead.