Quote Originally Posted by JSL23 View Post
The one that stipulates that by taking more money you automatically default and must pay a fine. Yes, some will ignore it and I am sure collection will be a *****. I also think the sense of relief and gratitude would inspire loyalty by many of these Merchants. We have all made mistakes or used bad judgment in our lives. Some of us learn from it and correct ourselves, some don't. Consolidation is not a perfect solution, but it is a solution. One that can reduce stacking and legitimately benefit our clients.
If someone stacks once they will stack again. And by consolidating all you are doing is playing into the hands of the 5 companies that get paid off. They get there money out of the deal and can now go back into it having already secured a profit on the first deal.. The whole idea of consolidating a deal with more then 1 or 2 positions is crazy. The banks will end up getting screwed every time.