Quote Originally Posted by golf2014 View Post
consolidate?? u mean u got them a lower payment and stretched out the term and they are pay8ng double interest...so the 1.40 is now 1.80???
Ahh, the whole "double interest" thing. And what do you call paying multiple stacks?! Single interest?

Lets take the merchant in question as an example:

They are paying 5 positions, $917 daily, that's $4585 per week. You get them a consolidation deal for $80,000 which relieves them of all that debt. Unfortunately, they only net $35,000 but still; $80,000 @ 1.38(a factor I have sold on consolidations) 9 Month term that is about $585 daily, about $2900 per week.

So, the Lenders all get paid off, the Merchant gets more money and saves about $1700 per week in fees and we make a lot more money than if we had done a lousy $10,000 6th position 60 day 1.499 stack. The Lender who consolidates does their due diligence and adds an addendum that protects their investment. Everyone's happy. Sounds pretty good to me, much better then stacking. Risky, of course. But it makes sense and I am glad to see some Lenders are finally doing this(successfully).