Quote Originally Posted by fdecelle View Post
So, I need to ask a very simple question about this blog. Is one of the purposes of this blog to share feedback that I as an ISO have had with a lender to be useful to this community so other ISOs can decide weather they want to work with them or not?

I feel like that is definitely what this whole community is about - not to bash anyone because of personal differences. Business is business right?

I want to see what type of feedback I get here before I share a whole new correspondence with a lender/merchant the lender shouldn’t have been reaching out to in the first place.

This will probably get ugly unfortunately, but just know that is not my intention. Just want my peers/colleagues to know what to lookout for.

Interested to see your scenario specifically regarding communication between merchant & funder and why the funder shouldn't have been in contact. Thats usually a touchy situation in this space especially regarding renewals.