Call them CLIENT and FUNDER X, see if one of us here can come up with a reason why the lender wasn't a dirt-bag and perhaps a way for you to look at the situation differently.

Also, don't post any judgments. Just facts. Not worth getting yourself into trouble when it could be a big misunderstanding, and "CLIENT" could be lying to you to save face.

I just had a non-MCA new underwriter that I'm trying to help re-fi the advances refer to a debt settlement place to a client! The underwriter obviously doesn't understand anything about the industry, and is NEW, and also doesn't understand the broker-client relationship. My rep (who will remain nameless and I have a good relationship with) and his CEO were upset, the UW overstepped her bounds and was reprimanded.

Am I supposed to ruin my relationship because of a stupid underling not knowing what they were doing? Yes, the company is responsible, but they are dealing with it.