Rubin “Hurricane” Carter was at the height of his boxing career in the mid 1960’s, a top contender for the middleweight title.* His life changed dramatically almost overnight when he was wrongly accused of a terrible crime (triple homicide), which he did not commit.


He was unfortunately found guilty by a biased jury and sentenced to three life sentences.*Although extremely painful, Carter*committed himself to never give up the last thing he had control of:*himself.


“I am not and never will be powerless” was the declaration he made on his first day in prison.

Hurricane lost his physical freedom, but instead of breaking down – a typical reaction for most, considering the circumstances – he decided to maximize the freedoms he still had left:*his attitude, beliefs and choices.


He refused to break or grovel.* He instead threw himself into*Purpose: every second and every ounce of his energy he invested on his legal case.


He devoutly read, books on law, philosophy, history – anything that could help him build his case.* His belief was not that his life was irreparably ruined.**His belief was that injustice had put him somewhere he did not deserve to be, and he did not intend to stay there.


After 19 years and two trials to overturn the verdict, Carter walked out of prison a free man once again.* He simply resumed his life, with the belief that he had been unharmed.* In fact, he was stronger and smarter now for what he had endured.


No matter the adversity, we are never completely powerless.


As long as we can control our thoughts, our perceptions – our beliefs and reactions, we still have our greatest power.


Deals don’t always go the way Funding Pros want.* Sometimes it’s a string of unfortunate events that pile on top of each other.* Our mindset will determine what we make out of the adversity - how we can potentially emerge stronger and better from it.


What commitment to yourself must you make today?


