Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
There are several funders I work with who are more than thrilled to help close the deals with the ISOs, if the ISO approves. The trick IMHO is hard - it's to know how the ISO wants to work the file, and following his/her lead. Some want white-label to feel like funders, some say, "I'm a broker," some are stupid salesmen, some are intelligent brokers. Some will say, "I brought you the file, pay me my 10 points," some will say, "I'm shopping this to 1000 other places, so if you make a good enough offer, I'll take it."

Also, never cut off an ISO because they haven't closed anything with you. If they're frauds, don't waste your time, but the one time a year that it pays off because of a funding, it's all worth it.
So true. Thanks for the feedback Micah.