Quote Originally Posted by JasonBishop View Post
Hi Kevin,

My .02 cents on Customer Service is being accessible to your customers and having the right processes in place to acknowledge customer inquiries in a timely manner. Even if a customer has a request or a matter that needs to be attended to more in depth, an acknowledgment that your office is in receipt of their inquiry is a good start. Customer Service is also more than just responding to inquiries. Engaging with the customers regularly whether it is simple courtesy calls or quick "check in" e-mails. A proactive customer service sweep lets the current or former customer know that you care about them. Also encouraging feedback is great from a quality control perspective. Also having the support team maintain the "Under-promise, Over-Deliver" concept. E.g. In your case, if you have a policy to get approvals done in 24 hours, make it an internal policy to actually have them done in 12. This way the expectation of 24 hours is set and the customer doesn't expect to hear from you for a day or so. When you come in just hours later, this can make quite an impression.
That's what I'm talking about! I appreciate your .02 cents Jason. That's good stuff.