Opal is hosting it's annual Private Wealth and Family Office Forum in Newport, Rhode Island, July 22nd -24th. We are expecting a massive turn out with at least 1,000 professionals attending. It will be roughly a 500/500 split between General Partners and Limited Partners. The 500 investors attending have an average of 100M Assets Under Management, have a proven record of making 3rd party and direct investments, and would be attend with the intention to find new investments. This is a fantastic opportunity for those Direct Lenders seeking partners for fundraising purposes. Many of these Family, Multi-Family Offices and Private Investors are still new with the Cash Advance industry and would love the opportunity to make a higher alpha then typical with more traditional investments. For more information please email me at tfuller@Opalgroup.net. I will send over the Brochure, Agenda, and Sponsorship Opportunities and would also be more than happy to jump on a call!

Tim Fuller
Business Development Representative
Opal Group