Somethings I just don't understand......

Everybody complains about funder "X" stealing their deals, back-dooring their submissions, not paying commissions, not paying on renewals, etc, yet everyday somebody will post on this forum about sending them business.
There are court documents circulated on the forum about funder "Y" conspiring with their senior lender to lie about returns and falsify documents regarding losses so they can deceive their investors, yet everyday somebody will post on this forum about sending them business.
Broker "c" magically becomes funder "y" overnight after being in the business for a nano-second, yet everyday somebody will post about sending them business.

If someone or entity has to lie, cheat, and steal to get business..... Why on earth would you do business with them? Even worse......why on earth would you put a client in front of them?

-Know your customer!
-Know your referral sources!
-Know your sources of capital!

