I have a restaurant producing 23k per month in revenue with negative days and 19k avg. in credit card processing. Looking for a split fund cc deal. The owner has weak credit scores. January and Febraury were slower months due to the harsh vector winter storm where they are located in the North. They are currently back to normal. Currently has a balance with Simply of $7,500. Simply is not being responsive to the merchant.
Feb 2019 - $15,534 In Processing Volume/$17,964 In Total Deposits/ Had 8 negative days and many overdraft charges
Mar 2019 - $22,970 In Processing Volume/$28,207 In Total Deposits/ Had 7 negative days and many overdraft charges
Apr 2019 - $20,438 In Processing Volume/$25,424 In Total Deposits/ Had 11 negative days and many overdraft charges
The merchant has already generated $19,415 in total sales mtd.
Looking for a max offer.
No brokers.
No collateral to pledge.