Anyone have feedback on Facebook marketing for MCA leads?
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  1. #1
    Senior Member Reputation points: 30747
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winning View Post
    A good analogy maybe Fishing? Do you Fish @ SirFundAlot?

    Well I am am not an avid Fisherman at all.. But I have be on a few Deep Sea fishing excursions when vacationing.
    And depending on the fish you are wanting to catch, you have to be in a certain type of body of water in a certain place, you have to have a certain type of boat, you have to use certain types of fishing poles, certain type of line strength, you have to use a certain type of bait, use a certain type of hook, and the line has to be weighted and dropped to a certain depth.. You have to do all of that before you even think that you are going to get a hit on the line. But once you feel what you think may be a hit on the line, you then have to have certain techniques to hook the fish, tire the fish out, then reel it in. Depending on the fish, you may have a fight on your hands even when the fish is on the boat...

    Marketing is a lot the same way. With digital marketing you can fine tune the ad to speak to a laser focused group of people.. Then once your analytics show you have a hit, You have another set of techniques and skills in place to hook them, move them through your process, and hopefully get them in the boat, and finally close the deal.

    Real Setup That I use...

    I have tracking pixels on my website..
    It reports to facebook and google who every visitor is, where they came from, what they did on my site, etc...
    Facebook takes that data from my site and combines it with the treasure trove of data that it has on people. It matches my website visitors to the person Facebook Profile. It then shows me if those people are also on facebook, if they already are a fan of my page, if they are a friend of someone that likes my page, if they have ever engaged with my page etc..

    So i can then create very targeted ads..
    For example: I can create an ad that will be only be served if all the following is True...
    • person has visited my website in the last 30 days.
    • person has added a product to the cart.
    • Person has watched 50% of any video content on my facebook fan page.
    • Person has to be a Follower of my facebook page.
    • Person must be a woman.
    • Person must be between the ages of 35 - 65.
    • Person must speak english.
    • Person is a home owner.
    • Person must live in Texas.
    • Exlude Person if they are in my existing customer audience.
    • Exlude Person if they have ever visited the orderfished.asp page on my website.

    So maybe I send them a discount coupon ad. But Since my target is so focused I can tailor the AD to be more engaging..
    Based on all the criteria that must be met for them to even see my ad, if they do they must be on the line ready to be pulled on to the boat, but just need a little more incentive to complete the checkout..
    I am not in the MCA space..
    But you can see how powerful all this data and capability can be if harnessed and used correctly, with good engaging ad copy... But this does takes a lot of effort to do... Either you do it in house and eat sleep and breath this stuff, or outsource it and hope they are taking the time to really think about the targeting and content being created. Also you have to have a plan on how to move the prospects through you different "buckets". If you don't know what I mean by "buckets" let me know and I can explain that..

    On the outside looking in of coarse. I would think that an MCA would definitely try to target ads in areas that may be experiencing some sort of natural disaster..?? You can have complete control down to the street and specified radius as a requirement that must be met before the ad is shown...

    So for example, when Harvey hit in Texas. If I did MCA's I would have had special ads with focus on people that met my other requirements, but only located in Houston.. I would think a biz owner in houston during Harvey may have needed a fast helping hand with the possible disruption to there business.. You could tailor the ads to mention Harvey by name, mention Houston by name, mention you have experience helping biz, and all other various type of psychological marketing that would engage a Biz owner in Houston that is currently being affected by Harvey and need some answers...

    All you need them to do is click on the link, think of that as the equivalent of them ringing your door bell. When they clicked, it moved that person into a smaller more focused bucket. You can have campaigns and processes in places to target people that are certain buckets, with the goal being to move them to another even more focused bucket. Each bucket they move to is drawing them closer and closer.
    Last edited by Winning; 05-09-2019 at 01:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winning View Post
    I am not in the MCA space..
    But you can see how powerful all this data and capability can be if harnessed and used correctly, with good engaging ad copy... But this does takes a lot of effort to do... Either you do it in house and eat sleep and breath this stuff, or outsource it and hope they are taking the time to really think about the targeting and content being created. Also you have to have a plan on how to move the prospects through you different "buckets". If you don't know what I mean by "buckets" let me know and I can explain that..

    On the outside looking in of coarse. I would think that an MCA would definitely try to target ads in areas that may be experiencing some sort of natural disaster..?? You can have complete control down to the street and specified radius as a requirement that must be met before the ad is shown...

    So for example, when Harvey hit in Texas. If I did MCA's I would have had special ads with focus on people that met my other requirements, but only located in Houston.. I would think a biz owner in houston during Harvey may have needed a fast helping hand with the possible disruption to there business.. You could tailor the ads to mention Harvey by name, mention Houston by name, mention you have experience helping biz, and all other various type of physiological marketing that would engage a Biz owner in Houston that is currently being affected by Harvey and need some answers...
    If a business is being affected by natural disaster, so will be their ability (inability) to repay a new MCA. Unless they are roofers/framers/contractors etc, these guys become extremely hard to fund.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Reputation points: 30747
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    Quote Originally Posted by WestCoastFunding View Post
    If a business is being affected by natural disaster, so will be their ability (inability) to repay a new MCA. Unless they are roofers/framers/contractors etc, these guys become extremely hard to fund.
    That why I prefaced what I said with "I am not in the MCA Space" Cause I don't have any background data like what you all have... But by taking what you do know and combining it with the way you are able to target people now a days, if it is done right can be huge.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winning View Post
    That why I prefaced what I said with "I am not in the MCA Space" Cause I don't have any background data like what you all have... But by taking what you do know and combining it with the way you are able to target people now a days, if it is done right can be huge.
    I still think AdWords is a better investment. It’s not cheap, with quality keywords costing $8-35 per click. Definitely need a budget of no less than $10,000 (and I’d really recommend much more than that).

  5. #5
    Senior Member Reputation points: 30747
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    Quote Originally Posted by WestCoastFunding View Post
    I still think AdWords is a better investment. It’s not cheap, with quality keywords costing $8-35 per click. Definitely need a budget of no less than $10,000 (and I’d really recommend much more than that).
    Yes adwords as well.. use the same principles... I only went through 1 vertical...

    I probably have maybe 30 Different buckets a person could fall in on each different platform.. Google has 3 separate Platforms... Search Ads, Display Ads, & Shopping Ads, Then on top of that is Google Re targeting Ads. Thats about 120 campaigns alone in the google ecosystem, and each campaign has several ad versions... See this can get big in a hurry.

    So for me. I have a bucket for people that visited my site via a google Ad, but has never been to my site before, not an existing customer, has never engaged with me on social media, and does not have any friend that has ever engaged with me on social media. So that would tell me that this person probably has never heard of my company before, but for some reason they did click on the google ad that was only served because of a certain set of requirements that I gave google.. So the Facebook Ad I would send them would be more about introducing us to the person, and giving them a little back story of how we do what we do, and try to get them to engage with some of our media on social media, then get then to like the page. Then they move to another bucket, and so on and so on..

    After you have all your buckets(defined audiences) setup... You will quickly see which buckets have the highest ROI... So then you purpose is, "how do I move more people into those high ROI buckets"
    Last edited by Winning; 05-09-2019 at 01:45 PM.

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