Quote Originally Posted by Franklin View Post
You can't scale with Adwords in the financial industry without a 6 to 7 figure budget.

The smaller companies doing well in this industry with adwords can generate leads for about 15 to 100 a lead, but it's only 100 - 300 leads a month, TOPS. Very selective keywords (long tail), proper and numerous negative keywords.

But every one of those smaller companies doing it have the same experience in common...
As soon as they've tried to increase their budget and scale, they lose their ROI and get their butts
handed to them.

When you stay niche and stay small (in this industry) you're fine but as soon as you venture
into OnDeck, Kabbage, PayPal land, your level 10 wooden sword gets crushed by level 150 ultra diamond.

They set parameters to automate overbidding whatever the highest click is currently, and an upper
five figure daily budget means they never have to turn off the faucet.

Facebook is ideal (as Winning and Enablement mentioned) for clearly targeting your ideal customer, and then re-marketing to them through feeds, groups, FB messenger, and email. It takes time and some setup.

Facebook is not Google, where your customers go on a search engine with a problem searching for a specific solution. A person on facebook is socializing or doing other generally leisurely activities, so an ad is more of an interruption, and while the merchant is the one taking action, it's more of an impulse
buy, just like any display ad.

But that does give you insight into the customer: they're either going to be someone who was thinking about what you're offering, and has a legitimate interest to "LEARN" more, which means they'll eventually become a customer, somewhere at some time, or they'll be someone desperate with no options, and they'll think it's their lucky day that they stumbled on your ad.

Neither scenario is great if you're looking for a payoff in the immediate future, which most people are, which is why they say the platform sucks, but the first scenario is profitable over time if you are following up and tracking and maintaining some type of lead nurturing process.

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See many people with this opinion of certain products or services dont work on FB because people arent looking to buy. Facebook did over 60 BILLION in ads rev last year, not just from products people are more likely to click on or buy. Yes the words you use in ads are key as some are banned do to payday lending.
Bottom line is FB is underpriced right now for the attention it gets, Google Ads is overpriced. FB wont be underpriced for too much longer, as well as other platforms like linkedin. Scaling on FB isnt going from $50 to $50,000, its running ads at $20, running A/B Testing, then increasing budget as high as your budget allows while continuous measurement and review of your ROI.