Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Esparza View Post
Larry King legitimizes what many have tried to dismiss. He validates the integrity of the ACH business model and brings to the consciousness of businesses, in good or bad FICO standing, an alternative funding source - endorsed, stamped and approved by a well-known media-figure-head. It is a power move by Lendvantage, to which I believe a counter must and will follow by its competitors. I'm thinking...Robert Wagner
I don't know how much Larry King knows about the specific programs, but his attitude reflects the general premise behind many alternative options, that it's up to the business owners to determine what's right for them.

King likewise says it’s up to business owners to assess whether the costs of loans makes sense. “I don’t like usurious interest rates, but if I need the money, and you tell me what the rates are and you’re honest about it, I don’t have a problem with that.”

I agree with you Joe that it is a power move. It's probably one of the most successful ideas to date towards building awareness.