Search conversion algorithm (formula if you will) temporarily replaces a top ranking website for high traffic keywords with another website.

It’s temporary and lasts only a few moments, but it can work for all 100 of the highest traffic keywords, which generates the same output as a website spending $1,000,000+ a month (seven figures) on marketing.

Very different than a traditional seo strategy, basically using some overlooked tools and a dedicated staff of humans (to really scale). This makes it not only effective, but almost completely untrackable by competitors, as it doesn’t show up in search analysis tools like Spyfu. You would have to know what to look for.

At FULL CAPACITY, the process produces:

1,900,000 impressions

30,000 click thrus (No start-ups, 99% are Retail Brick and Mortar businesses)

10,000 Webforms and Personal Merchant Referrals

1,000 funded

$25,000 per average deal

$25,000,000 million in funding

$2,000,000 in commission, on a spend of about $420,000.

The first 25 million can be accomplished in 45-60 days, provided someone has the man power to collect paperwork and fund.

After that, it’s $25,000,000 per month in funding

In addition, as merchants renew about 2.4 times over their lifetime
(1.5 – 2 years), after 12 months, you’ll be doubling your funding amount without spending any extra money.

With renewals, it’s close to $4,000,000 in monthly commission, on a spend of $420,000 per month.

Over time, with follow ups and dripping on the leads that didn’t convert yet, the real lead conversion is 1 of 5. So it’s really almost $8,000,000 in commission, on a $420,000 spend.

When you add syndication (lending money in deals yourself), you can add another 50% to the commissions, so now it’s $12,000,000 on a $420,000 spend.

After two years, you can choose to exit the industry, and probably add a low $8 Figure pay out.

It can also be started for much less than the budget mentioned, as long a floor exists (or is created) to work the paper.

Would something like this be more interesting to an outsider or someone already spending heavy on online marketing?