Exclusive and obtained from top rankings for keywords "business funding", "bad credit merchant loans", "short term loans" and others.

We rank for conversions, not for traffic. Meaning, the strategy doesn't produce
500,000 visitors a month and generate 4,000 web forms, the algorithm is designed to
produce 70,000 visitors and generate 12,000 web forms a month.

The site will never appear on the first few pages of Google for TRAFFIC, because TRAFFIC alone is not what we seek, which makes it very hard for competitors to track and analyze what we're doing, because they can't see it. (It also greatly eliminates start ups and desperate 3k merchants).

When I worked with the original website that ranked number one for "business loans"
a few years ago, the strategy was a 20 point process, executed by a dedicated human staff and automation that caused their activities to triple and quadruple on the fly.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has evolved into End User Optimization (EUO),
and while you can't game the search engine software as rampantly as before,
we've identified some deeper underlying commonalities in many of the merchants that get funded, which an acquisition formula and a process can be built around.

The scalability comes from the ability to generate online leads and personal merchant referrals without getting into budget wars and click wars with industry leaders.

Having the largest budget, the best website, the most content, the highest authority, the most back links, the most traffic, the oldest domain age, the biggest brand, means nothing with our strategy. The only thing we focus on is the End User.

Your click costs are below the lowest range for most of the highest, 5-6 figure traffic keywords, and the click prices are frozen. They cannot be driven up by a larger player, or by multiple competitors.

Not looking to sell these.
Looking for someone to share algorithm with, ideally who could pour gasoline on this and take everything, and we blow this up together.

The two most valuable leads are when a merchant searches out a problem and provides their information, or a when merchant is personally referred to you from a trusted friend.
Those are the only types of leads this online system produces, and it does it for pennies on the dollar.

Call me.

www.UccRadar.com – If you think you need a seven figure budget to Rank in this industry, you’re doing it wrong.