I funded a file with a pretty large B funder in the business for B paper last summer for $90k. His last payment was in February 2019.

March 22, 2019 I submitted updated bank statements for renewal ( if its considered a renewal) or just another advance since this merchant had excellent payment history with this funder but I was told "I think we may need to wait a little longer on this one."

This was obviously because the merchant received funds from 2 other funders in February 2019. I was not surprised I received that as the answer although disappointed I wasn't the one doing either of those deals.

Monday March 25 - the next business day after this file was declined for me, the merchant received a contract from that same bank that told me I need to wait for $150k which he signed and they funded.

I asked them why I received a decline and someone else got an approval for $150k and they said "another iso submitted the same bank statements I submitted but included the financials."

I understand some may say that the iso packaged the deal better, however I wasn't given a glimpse of hope that had I made the file look more attractive, they would throw an $150k approval my way. I was simply told to wait.

Was I supposed to harass them and send them financials and say pretty please can you consider this file for approval? I did what any good broker would do and shopped the file out for another approval.

How do I even know if another broker really did submit it with financials? How do I know it wasn't them who called the guy directly and funded it?

Either way, is this fair treatment or do I deserve to be paid on the deal?