Amanda, I agree with you.
Problem is that most MCA shops completely and totally DISAGREE with your approach. There's no fiduciary responsibility (we don't work for the merchants), and most broker shops don't want small residuals - they want a minimum of 10 points plus PSF every time.
How many brokers here talk their clients out of factoring or don't present it, especially after they had a bad experience? So what about a LOC? Why not? "Because it pays peanuts." You can't expect someone to work on a particular model.

I talked to a client (friend of an ISO of mine, they're both in Crown Heights) a few weeks ago who is doing $100mm yearly, offered him factoring, and he said, "I don't want to diverge my AR."
I offered him 0 APR credit cards for $100,000 (no UCC), he said, "I could walk into me bank and get $150,000 UBLOC tomorrow, $100,00 is a joke." He's right, however I told him that would take a PG and likely a UCC.
I offered him the concept of an MCA (no UCC), he doesn't want to show me financials and wouldn't take rates like that.
The only thing he was interested in was his own idea: A large personal loan to his business (yeah, personal or business loan, take your pick) that would have a PG from a billionaire (not him). I haven't bothered following up.

Definitely goes both ways, but WE ARE NOT THEIR FINANCIAL ADVISORS! I, like many people here, am just a broker.