If we're "advisors," IMHO we should be getting them the best rate, not making 10 points "upsell." Selling cash is not a broker, as I've said. How many appliance repairmen are "advisors" when they tell you the fix it and not get a new one? How many people know that Duracell batteries make all the off-brands (to keep their factories going) and have the same shelf life? (Amazon batteries are just Eneloops.) How many Gap salesmen tell someone to get the same shirt at a different store without the logo on it for cheaper?

Yes, I agree that most clients cannot flip their money fast enough for these. However, there are sometimes longer-term reasons to take a loss on this funding now (i.e. the other option is equity). We aren't their accountants or their advisors to know!

My opinion (and I've said this a few times) is that my responsibility to make the lenders like the borrowers (funders like the merchant), and each one approve of the deal on their side. That's the real job of a broker. Our responsibility is not to bring horrific deals to the funders, play by their rules (i.e. if they say "no fees" then don't add on fees). Obviously stacking a guy to death just to make money is irresponsible, but not because we're "working" for anyone, rather because our funders expect the merchant to finish the term, and ideally you should want your merchants to make money (since that's why you brought them to X funder and not Y)

However, most people just throw MCAs at them because they make "double digit commission + PSF." That's not doing the "job" as a broker or advisor, that's just selling an overpriced loan-like product.