prompt capital, anyone know them, my merchant just emailed me this correspondence
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  1. #1

    prompt capital, anyone know them, my merchant just emailed me this correspondence

    Here is the information on Prompt Capital.

    Christina Paulucci
    Account Manager
    Prompt Capital Funding
    F (718)878-4537

    I have been dealing with a guy who says he was the owner and the guy that did the original funding call named Michael. I have also been dealing with the Office Manager named Cal. I have never received a call back from these guys ever and no email other than the one with the original contract. I paid them off on 2-1-19 and they owe me $994.00. I started calling them on 2-4-19 about the extra ACH pull and they have always said they were just going to ACH it back to me but have obviously failed to do so. I try to call them at least every other day. It has been frustrating but friendly up until yesterday. They always had the most ridiculous excuses about why they couldn't get it done but i truly believe they thought i would just eventually stop calling. Michael promised to personally ACH the money on 2-28-19 then again on 3-6-19. Cal has always said it must be some foul up in accounting and he will go upstairs and get to the bottom of it and call me back and email me the ACH confirmation. again, that has never happened. I have never been called back or ever received any type of email.

    Yesterday it turned sophemoric and is so ridiculous.

    Thank You

  2. #2
    Senior Member Reputation points: 198007
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedamoneyman View Post
    Here is the information on Prompt Capital.

    Christina Paulucci
    Account Manager
    Prompt Capital Funding
    F (718)878-4537

    I have been dealing with a guy who says he was the owner and the guy that did the original funding call named Michael. I have also been dealing with the Office Manager named Cal. I have never received a call back from these guys ever and no email other than the one with the original contract. I paid them off on 2-1-19 and they owe me $994.00. I started calling them on 2-4-19 about the extra ACH pull and they have always said they were just going to ACH it back to me but have obviously failed to do so. I try to call them at least every other day. It has been frustrating but friendly up until yesterday. They always had the most ridiculous excuses about why they couldn't get it done but i truly believe they thought i would just eventually stop calling. Michael promised to personally ACH the money on 2-28-19 then again on 3-6-19. Cal has always said it must be some foul up in accounting and he will go upstairs and get to the bottom of it and call me back and email me the ACH confirmation. again, that has never happened. I have never been called back or ever received any type of email.

    Yesterday it turned sophemoric and is so ridiculous.

    Thank You
    Michael Prompt is a member here.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    I’m going to guess they syndicated/white labeled. Maybe they’re waiting on the real funder to reimburse?

  4. #4
    West Coast Funding we are actually the funders who funded this merchant. Check us out in the NYC court Systems and it will show we fund as we have a bunch of defaults like everyone else (NOT TO BRAG). Now going to this issue here we do not owe this client any money as he is calling and harassing us every day for $994. Our accounting is up to date and I really do not appreciate our name getting tarnished over this kind of nonsense. Anybody on this forum can ask around and we have a very good reputation around the industry. If anyone has any questions please call 212-221-3644 and we are always available from the hours of 9-7. Thank YOU

  5. #5
    Senior Member Reputation points: 27404
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    Dec 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael_Prompt View Post
    West Coast Funding we are actually the funders who funded this merchant. Check us out in the NYC court Systems and it will show we fund as we have a bunch of defaults like everyone else (NOT TO BRAG). Now going to this issue here we do not owe this client any money as he is calling and harassing us every day for $994. Our accounting is up to date and I really do not appreciate our name getting tarnished over this kind of nonsense. Anybody on this forum can ask around and we have a very good reputation around the industry. If anyone has any questions please call 212-221-3644 and we are always available from the hours of 9-7. Thank YOU
    the post appears to be an original cut and paste email, why would client get excuses from your office without being advise there was no clerical error? and complain to a noob broker?
    Steven Jones
    PH: 210-290-4102
    "We can beat your offer!"

  6. #6
    That’s not a cut and paste at all. Read it carefully please

  7. #7
    Banned Reputation points: 179851
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael_Prompt View Post
    West Coast Funding we are actually the funders who funded this merchant. Check us out in the NYC court Systems and it will show we fund as we have a bunch of defaults like everyone else (NOT TO BRAG). Now going to this issue here we do not owe this client any money as he is calling and harassing us every day for $994. Our accounting is up to date and I really do not appreciate our name getting tarnished over this kind of nonsense. Anybody on this forum can ask around and we have a very good reputation around the industry. If anyone has any questions please call 212-221-3644 and we are always available from the hours of 9-7. Thank YOU
    "We have a bunch of defaults" + No one here has heard of you = (Not to Brag) In your Opinion????????

    JUST SAYING, thats not something to be proud of. Ive been doing this 15 Years. Ive never seen you in a statement or even heard of you.

    Also what reputation is being tarnished? No one has heard of you.

    Sorry If im Blunt, not talking ****, I just say it how it is, Prompt Capital Funding???? Is that even real?

  8. #8
    Banned Reputation points: 179851
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    Jun 2017

    Your website is horrendous.

    I tried second guessing myself, i said ryan you were too harsh...

    Nope, I was right.

  9. #9
    Very professional sir.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Reputation points: 86941
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    why do you have a bunch of defaults

  11. #11
    Senior Member Reputation points: 198007
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    Quote Originally Posted by fundingsmbs View Post
    why do you have a bunch of defaults

  12. #12
    The merchant emailed me this last week but I wanted to wait before sending this as I thought prompt capital would resolve it. What you will read below is very disturbing.....


    I talked to Michael this morning. Actually he called me....finally.

    The facts. I signed a Funding Agreement with PROMPT CAPITAL FUNDING (It is written out in Capital letters like that) on 1-10-2019. The payback was $14,990.00 with a daily payment of $999.00. By my math that would be 15 ACH payments of $999.00 with one final ACH payment of $5.00. The $999.00 was taken out of my account on (#1) January 11, 2019
    (#2) January 14, 2019
    (#3) January 15, 2019
    (#4) January 16, 2019
    (#5) January 17, 2019
    (#6) January 18, 2019
    (#7) January 22, 2019
    (#8) January 23, 2019, and an additional one to make up for MLK Day I am assuming
    (#9) January 23, 2019
    (#10) January 24, 2019
    (#11) January 25, 2019
    (#12) January 28, 2019
    (#13) January 29, 2019
    (#14) January 30, 2019
    (#15) January 31, 2019
    and then (#16) February 1, 2019 for the full amount of $999.00 instead of the $5.00.

    I actually called Prompt Capital and Michael on January 30th to let him know I was almost done with the contract and he offered me more money. I told him I wasn't in need but did want to make sure that on February 1, 2019 that ACH was only going to be for the final $5.00. He told me of course and he wouldn't screw me out of $994.00 bucks because his bar tab was bigger than that. I assumed he was a man of his word and waited to see. After the full $999.00 was taken (ACH #16 which made the full amount ACH'ed from my account $15,984.00) I called and was told it was a mistake and accounting would look into it and call me back. No return call. I called the next day but Michael was busy all day so I left messages with Reception for him to call me. No return call.
    I finally got Michael back on the phone on February 7th or 8th and he said he would personally see that the issue was resolved. The following week no return calls. I was unable to get a return call from Michael but the "Office Manager" Cal took my call one day. Nice fellow who said he would dig right into this and would get back with me. I didn't here from Cal for 8 days until I was finally able to get back in touch with him when he answered the phone. More "I will get this resolved today. I am so sorry this is ridiculous. I will call you back" stuff but still no call back and no resolution.
    Another week goes by and I was leaving messages everyday for either Michael or Cal to return my call. There were two other times that I was able to get to reach Cal by calling and he would answer personally. The last time he was going to go upstairs to accounting and get this resolved and send me an email of proof that the ACH was sent. No return call and no email. I finally was able to get with Michael and that was the week of March 4th-8th. Apparently they got a new accounting system and were not able to ACH me or even do any funding until the end of the week but would absolutely get my money back to me as soon as accounting was back up and running. Waited a week and still nothing. More calls.....more ignored messages.
    My calls were routinely kicked to Voice Mail instead of being answered or the call would be picked up and then immediately hung up on. It was ridiculous and Sophemoric. Finally on March 20th I was able to reach Cal who in his words "Personally took the call because he saw my number". Cal said he was going to get this resolved today. I will have accounting email you back with the confirmation. I had not received a call or anything back so I called. I was continually kicked right to Voice Mail so I kept calling. Then my call was answered but the phone was just sat down and I could hear people working and talking. After multiple calls the phone was finally answered and I asked for Cal. I was told Cal died. Then I asked for Michael but he wasn't available because he was in surgery.
    I started in on March 21, 2019 making calls and after 10+ calls Michael answered angrily and told me I was a loser because I kept calling. I politely explained that I was owed $994.00 and that I was told by both him and Cal that the money was going to be ACH'ed but to date nothing had shown up. I asked about Cal's alarming and shocking death and Michael even spelled out his name so I could look in the obits to see he was telling the truth. Michael told me that if i sent over the proof of ACH withdrawals he would personally look into it and get it resolved. I resent the proof that I had previously sent him (Bank statements showing all 16 withdrawals of $999.00) and was hoping he would look at them and do the right thing. I also told him about the daily funder website and how if I couldn't get a friendly resolution I had no issue taking my legitimate and verifiable over payment to the public arena.
    I finally received a return phone call from Michael on March 22nd. He told me I had 10 minutes to take down what I had put up on Daily Funder or he would reach out to two funding companies (Influx & Mr Advance) that he knew very well and have them file their COJ's on me immediately and have me shutdown by Monday morning. I asked him very calmly if he had looked at the proof of over payment yet and he told me that he didn't and I was never going to get my money back, ever. He also directed (while I was talking to him) his staff to put false and maliscious reviews on me and my company all over the BBB, Google, and etc. He was going to tell everyone I was a child molester. I again asked him if he was going to return my money. He told me No and that he was going to destroy my company by Monday morning if I didn't take down the information about him on Daily Funder. I asked him again if what he told me was true about Cal his office manager. I just wanted to see if it was actually true. Could a person doing business in New York really stoop to claiming an employee died of a stroke to avoid me talking to him? He didn't respond except to say I had 10 minutes or else.
    He then asked how my mom was doing. I wasn't sure what he meant so I asked him what he meant by that. So he repeated it two more times. It was very bizarre. I didn't know if he was trying to intimidate me or insult me. It was just a bizarre thing to say in the context of our (heated on his side calm and relaxed on mine) conversation. The whole thing was just bizarre, comical, and sad. A Funding Company refusing to return money that had been over charged and could easily be verified then threatening a customer by maliciously and falsely placing reviews or whatever on websites about them on the internet. Is that how Funding Companies operate?

    If in fact Cal did have a stroke and died as I was told I am very sorry for his family. He was always very polite and kind on the phone and genuinely seemed like he was going to get the over charge resolved.

  13. #13
    Senior Member Reputation points: 307559
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    Why the hell did the merchant take a 2 week deal? something not adding up here

  14. #14
    Senior Member Reputation points: 198007
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedamoneyman View Post
    The merchant emailed me this last week but I wanted to wait before sending this as I thought prompt capital would resolve it. What you will read below is very disturbing.....


    I talked to Michael this morning. Actually he called me....finally.

    The facts. I signed a Funding Agreement with PROMPT CAPITAL FUNDING (It is written out in Capital letters like that) on 1-10-2019. The payback was $14,990.00 with a daily payment of $999.00. By my math that would be 15 ACH payments of $999.00 with one final ACH payment of $5.00. The $999.00 was taken out of my account on (#1) January 11, 2019
    (#2) January 14, 2019
    (#3) January 15, 2019
    (#4) January 16, 2019
    (#5) January 17, 2019
    (#6) January 18, 2019
    (#7) January 22, 2019
    (#8) January 23, 2019, and an additional one to make up for MLK Day I am assuming
    (#9) January 23, 2019
    (#10) January 24, 2019
    (#11) January 25, 2019
    (#12) January 28, 2019
    (#13) January 29, 2019
    (#14) January 30, 2019
    (#15) January 31, 2019
    and then (#16) February 1, 2019 for the full amount of $999.00 instead of the $5.00.

    I actually called Prompt Capital and Michael on January 30th to let him know I was almost done with the contract and he offered me more money. I told him I wasn't in need but did want to make sure that on February 1, 2019 that ACH was only going to be for the final $5.00. He told me of course and he wouldn't screw me out of $994.00 bucks because his bar tab was bigger than that. I assumed he was a man of his word and waited to see. After the full $999.00 was taken (ACH #16 which made the full amount ACH'ed from my account $15,984.00) I called and was told it was a mistake and accounting would look into it and call me back. No return call. I called the next day but Michael was busy all day so I left messages with Reception for him to call me. No return call.
    I finally got Michael back on the phone on February 7th or 8th and he said he would personally see that the issue was resolved. The following week no return calls. I was unable to get a return call from Michael but the "Office Manager" Cal took my call one day. Nice fellow who said he would dig right into this and would get back with me. I didn't here from Cal for 8 days until I was finally able to get back in touch with him when he answered the phone. More "I will get this resolved today. I am so sorry this is ridiculous. I will call you back" stuff but still no call back and no resolution.
    Another week goes by and I was leaving messages everyday for either Michael or Cal to return my call. There were two other times that I was able to get to reach Cal by calling and he would answer personally. The last time he was going to go upstairs to accounting and get this resolved and send me an email of proof that the ACH was sent. No return call and no email. I finally was able to get with Michael and that was the week of March 4th-8th. Apparently they got a new accounting system and were not able to ACH me or even do any funding until the end of the week but would absolutely get my money back to me as soon as accounting was back up and running. Waited a week and still nothing. More calls.....more ignored messages.
    My calls were routinely kicked to Voice Mail instead of being answered or the call would be picked up and then immediately hung up on. It was ridiculous and Sophemoric. Finally on March 20th I was able to reach Cal who in his words "Personally took the call because he saw my number". Cal said he was going to get this resolved today. I will have accounting email you back with the confirmation. I had not received a call or anything back so I called. I was continually kicked right to Voice Mail so I kept calling. Then my call was answered but the phone was just sat down and I could hear people working and talking. After multiple calls the phone was finally answered and I asked for Cal. I was told Cal died. Then I asked for Michael but he wasn't available because he was in surgery.
    I started in on March 21, 2019 making calls and after 10+ calls Michael answered angrily and told me I was a loser because I kept calling. I politely explained that I was owed $994.00 and that I was told by both him and Cal that the money was going to be ACH'ed but to date nothing had shown up. I asked about Cal's alarming and shocking death and Michael even spelled out his name so I could look in the obits to see he was telling the truth. Michael told me that if i sent over the proof of ACH withdrawals he would personally look into it and get it resolved. I resent the proof that I had previously sent him (Bank statements showing all 16 withdrawals of $999.00) and was hoping he would look at them and do the right thing. I also told him about the daily funder website and how if I couldn't get a friendly resolution I had no issue taking my legitimate and verifiable over payment to the public arena.
    I finally received a return phone call from Michael on March 22nd. He told me I had 10 minutes to take down what I had put up on Daily Funder or he would reach out to two funding companies (Influx & Mr Advance) that he knew very well and have them file their COJ's on me immediately and have me shutdown by Monday morning. I asked him very calmly if he had looked at the proof of over payment yet and he told me that he didn't and I was never going to get my money back, ever. He also directed (while I was talking to him) his staff to put false and maliscious reviews on me and my company all over the BBB, Google, and etc. He was going to tell everyone I was a child molester. I again asked him if he was going to return my money. He told me No and that he was going to destroy my company by Monday morning if I didn't take down the information about him on Daily Funder. I asked him again if what he told me was true about Cal his office manager. I just wanted to see if it was actually true. Could a person doing business in New York really stoop to claiming an employee died of a stroke to avoid me talking to him? He didn't respond except to say I had 10 minutes or else.
    He then asked how my mom was doing. I wasn't sure what he meant so I asked him what he meant by that. So he repeated it two more times. It was very bizarre. I didn't know if he was trying to intimidate me or insult me. It was just a bizarre thing to say in the context of our (heated on his side calm and relaxed on mine) conversation. The whole thing was just bizarre, comical, and sad. A Funding Company refusing to return money that had been over charged and could easily be verified then threatening a customer by maliciously and falsely placing reviews or whatever on websites about them on the internet. Is that how Funding Companies operate?

    If in fact Cal did have a stroke and died as I was told I am very sorry for his family. He was always very polite and kind on the phone and genuinely seemed like he was going to get the over charge resolved.
    Oh man... You know the Bloomberg stooges are going to be eating this up.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael I View Post
    Why the hell did the merchant take a 2 week deal? something not adding up here
    irrelevant. merchant can take a 2 hour deal if they wanted. what does the term have to do with anything?
    and for the funder to then sabotage this merchants business is unacceptable. This is the kind of story that makes us all look bad

  16. #16
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Threatening to run to S Davis at Influx, to maliciously file a COJ, because the merchant is adamant about getting $900+ back — money they were overcharged — has every aspect of the perfect Bloomberg story.

    For ****s sake, pay the man his money.

  17. #17
    Senior Member Reputation points: 31511
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedamoneyman View Post
    The merchant emailed me this last week but I wanted to wait before sending this as I thought prompt capital would resolve it. What you will read below is very disturbing.....


    I talked to Michael this morning. Actually he called me....finally.

    The facts. I signed a Funding Agreement with PROMPT CAPITAL FUNDING (It is written out in Capital letters like that) on 1-10-2019. The payback was $14,990.00 with a daily payment of $999.00. By my math that would be 15 ACH payments of $999.00 with one final ACH payment of $5.00. The $999.00 was taken out of my account on (#1) January 11, 2019
    (#2) January 14, 2019
    (#3) January 15, 2019
    (#4) January 16, 2019
    (#5) January 17, 2019
    (#6) January 18, 2019
    (#7) January 22, 2019
    (#8) January 23, 2019, and an additional one to make up for MLK Day I am assuming
    (#9) January 23, 2019
    (#10) January 24, 2019
    (#11) January 25, 2019
    (#12) January 28, 2019
    (#13) January 29, 2019
    (#14) January 30, 2019
    (#15) January 31, 2019
    and then (#16) February 1, 2019 for the full amount of $999.00 instead of the $5.00.

    I actually called Prompt Capital and Michael on January 30th to let him know I was almost done with the contract and he offered me more money. I told him I wasn't in need but did want to make sure that on February 1, 2019 that ACH was only going to be for the final $5.00. He told me of course and he wouldn't screw me out of $994.00 bucks because his bar tab was bigger than that. I assumed he was a man of his word and waited to see. After the full $999.00 was taken (ACH #16 which made the full amount ACH'ed from my account $15,984.00) I called and was told it was a mistake and accounting would look into it and call me back. No return call. I called the next day but Michael was busy all day so I left messages with Reception for him to call me. No return call.
    I finally got Michael back on the phone on February 7th or 8th and he said he would personally see that the issue was resolved. The following week no return calls. I was unable to get a return call from Michael but the "Office Manager" Cal took my call one day. Nice fellow who said he would dig right into this and would get back with me. I didn't here from Cal for 8 days until I was finally able to get back in touch with him when he answered the phone. More "I will get this resolved today. I am so sorry this is ridiculous. I will call you back" stuff but still no call back and no resolution.
    Another week goes by and I was leaving messages everyday for either Michael or Cal to return my call. There were two other times that I was able to get to reach Cal by calling and he would answer personally. The last time he was going to go upstairs to accounting and get this resolved and send me an email of proof that the ACH was sent. No return call and no email. I finally was able to get with Michael and that was the week of March 4th-8th. Apparently they got a new accounting system and were not able to ACH me or even do any funding until the end of the week but would absolutely get my money back to me as soon as accounting was back up and running. Waited a week and still nothing. More calls.....more ignored messages.
    My calls were routinely kicked to Voice Mail instead of being answered or the call would be picked up and then immediately hung up on. It was ridiculous and Sophemoric. Finally on March 20th I was able to reach Cal who in his words "Personally took the call because he saw my number". Cal said he was going to get this resolved today. I will have accounting email you back with the confirmation. I had not received a call or anything back so I called. I was continually kicked right to Voice Mail so I kept calling. Then my call was answered but the phone was just sat down and I could hear people working and talking. After multiple calls the phone was finally answered and I asked for Cal. I was told Cal died. Then I asked for Michael but he wasn't available because he was in surgery.
    I started in on March 21, 2019 making calls and after 10+ calls Michael answered angrily and told me I was a loser because I kept calling. I politely explained that I was owed $994.00 and that I was told by both him and Cal that the money was going to be ACH'ed but to date nothing had shown up. I asked about Cal's alarming and shocking death and Michael even spelled out his name so I could look in the obits to see he was telling the truth. Michael told me that if i sent over the proof of ACH withdrawals he would personally look into it and get it resolved. I resent the proof that I had previously sent him (Bank statements showing all 16 withdrawals of $999.00) and was hoping he would look at them and do the right thing. I also told him about the daily funder website and how if I couldn't get a friendly resolution I had no issue taking my legitimate and verifiable over payment to the public arena.
    I finally received a return phone call from Michael on March 22nd. He told me I had 10 minutes to take down what I had put up on Daily Funder or he would reach out to two funding companies (Influx & Mr Advance) that he knew very well and have them file their COJ's on me immediately and have me shutdown by Monday morning. I asked him very calmly if he had looked at the proof of over payment yet and he told me that he didn't and I was never going to get my money back, ever. He also directed (while I was talking to him) his staff to put false and maliscious reviews on me and my company all over the BBB, Google, and etc. He was going to tell everyone I was a child molester. I again asked him if he was going to return my money. He told me No and that he was going to destroy my company by Monday morning if I didn't take down the information about him on Daily Funder. I asked him again if what he told me was true about Cal his office manager. I just wanted to see if it was actually true. Could a person doing business in New York really stoop to claiming an employee died of a stroke to avoid me talking to him? He didn't respond except to say I had 10 minutes or else.
    He then asked how my mom was doing. I wasn't sure what he meant so I asked him what he meant by that. So he repeated it two more times. It was very bizarre. I didn't know if he was trying to intimidate me or insult me. It was just a bizarre thing to say in the context of our (heated on his side calm and relaxed on mine) conversation. The whole thing was just bizarre, comical, and sad. A Funding Company refusing to return money that had been over charged and could easily be verified then threatening a customer by maliciously and falsely placing reviews or whatever on websites about them on the internet. Is that how Funding Companies operate?

    If in fact Cal did have a stroke and died as I was told I am very sorry for his family. He was always very polite and kind on the phone and genuinely seemed like he was going to get the over charge resolved.
    This is BAD

  18. #18
    A forum user Reputation points: 2147483647 Sean Cash's Avatar
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  19. #19
    Senior Member Reputation points: 97075
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael_Prompt View Post
    West Coast Funding we are actually the funders who funded this merchant. Check us out in the NYC court Systems and it will show we fund as we have a bunch of defaults like everyone else (NOT TO BRAG). Now going to this issue here we do not owe this client any money as he is calling and harassing us every day for $994. Our accounting is up to date and I really do not appreciate our name getting tarnished over this kind of nonsense. Anybody on this forum can ask around and we have a very good reputation around the industry. If anyone has any questions please call 212-221-3644 and we are always available from the hours of 9-7. Thank YOU
    Dude, send him back the $994, or for the sake of ****, ill send it for you.

  20. #20
    Senior Member Reputation points: 203690
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    pay the man back his money!

  21. #21
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Is this awful publicity worth $900?

  22. #22
    Senior Member Reputation points: 49585 CraaaCraaa Radio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MCAdude View Post
    This is BAD
    Prompt Capital muscled the merchant. Cal didn't die and is up in running in the Brooklyn office they operate together with Michael Prompt!!

    Seems merchant wants to provide additional testimony!!!

    Probably the 5 day ach lag that is owed ...maybe? (just guessing)

    Last edited by CraaaCraaa Radio; 04-01-2019 at 04:44 PM.
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    "Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose."

  23. #23
    Senior Member Reputation points: 307559
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    Quote Originally Posted by EastCoastFunding View Post
    irrelevant. merchant can take a 2 hour deal if they wanted. what does the term have to do with anything?
    and for the funder to then sabotage this merchants business is unacceptable. This is the kind of story that makes us all look bad
    dude it looks bad even if they didnt take the additional money. my point originally was that math made no sense but someone pm me why they took a 2 week deal at such a crazy rate.

  24. #24
    Senior Member Reputation points: 49585 CraaaCraaa Radio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael I View Post
    dude it looks bad even if they didnt take the additional money. my point originally was that math made no sense but someone pm me why they took a 2 week deal at such a crazy rate.
    all it takes its the merchant to keep venting, to really just put this on a Netflix Special

    This message brought to you by

    CraaaCraaa Radio ®

    World of MCA
    E.V.P Business Development
    "Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose."

  25. #25
    Senior Member Reputation points: 97075
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    Jun 2015

    So this thread is the new peak solution? NO WAY

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    By JeffMulford in forum Merchant Cash Advance
    Replies: 34
    Last Post: 10-29-2014, 02:23 PM
  5. JD merchant Capital
    By James in forum Help Wanted
    Replies: 1
    Last Post: 03-13-2014, 12:01 PM

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